DM01 - 2019-04-25

Tracker Details

Tracker Type: WSPR

Model: PicoTrackerWSPR1 Rev3

Powered by 2 AA batteries (ran out of AAA)


21:27:11.457853, Parameters: (set <param> <val>)
21:27:11.491562, id[4]                       : DM01
21:27:11.530814, callsign[6]                 : KD2KDD
21:27:11.564606, solarMode                   : 0
21:27:11.598906, minMilliVoltGpsLocationLock : 0
21:27:11.632571, minMilliVoltGpsTimeLock     : 0
21:27:11.666258, minMilliVoltTransmit        : 0
21:27:11.705457, gpsLockTimeoutMs            : 150000
21:27:11.739257, lhAltFtThreshold            : 10000
21:27:11.784062, hAlt.wakeAndEvaluateMs      : 1800000
21:27:11.817688, lAlt.wakeAndEvaluateMs      : 60000
21:27:11.862386, lAlt.stickyMs               : 10800000
21:27:11.896110, crystalCorrectionFactor     : -3652
21:27:11.929905, systemClockOffsetMs         : 3

Launch Parameters

Balloon and Payload

  • 36" Qualatex, unstretched
  • 32.2 gram payload
  • 2.4 grams free lift
  • Quarter-wave antenna.

Heat sealed neck.



Last launch had 2.4g free lift. Floated a few feet then went into the water.

The purpose of this flight is purely for testing the transmitter.

Therefore I am going to put in more free lift than usual to increase likelihood of good lift.

Launch worked. No signal.

Jesus christ, wtf is wrong.

What else is different?

Code changed since last. Now I power down the other radios, use ThinWire, SI5351 cut down.

Spacing of antenna attach points.

Quarter Wave antenna instead of half wave.

Is it just a transmission distance thing? Power?

Clearly it decodes in the apt. The signal is ok it seems.

General Thoughts / Observations

Going crazy trying to figure out why I'm failing constantly.

Continuing to consider what is different from these flights from past flights which worked.