APRS Message Building Source Code

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Here is source code for building an APRS message and calculating its checksum (FCS).

The code requires that an entire message is built in RAM all at once before being sent.

As noted in the comments in the code, the message and FCS, once finalized, are ready to be transmitted where each byte is sent lowest-bit-first.

In other words, once you've built this message, your transmission (Bell202) code does not need to know or care about whether the FCS should be sent in a different order than the rest of the message (as the specs dictate) because the FCS bytes have been purposefully re-arranged so that it isn't necessary to distinguish.

This should simplify the Bell202 code to worry about other important things (like NRZI, Bit Stuffing, and modulation).

This code compiles and runs on Arduino / ATmega328P

Copy and paste the code into a file named AX25UIMessage.h

#ifndef __AX_25_UI_MESSAGE_H__

#define __AX_25_UI_MESSAGE_H__

// Original author: Douglas Malnati

// Designed to work within a buffer that it does not own.

// Must be used in a particular sequence, since data is appended to the

// buffer and field reordering won't be taken into consideration.

// That way to use it is to fill out the fields in the order they appear

// in the message.


// Usage:

// - Init (can be done once regardless of number of times messages constructed)

// - Reset (each time a new message is to be created)

// - SetDstAddress

// - SetSrcAddress

// - AddRepeaterAddress (0 or more times)

// - AppendInfo (as many times as you want)

// - Finalize (buffer now a valid AX.25 UI message)

//            (provided the buffer was large enough)


// The return value from Finalize is the number of bytes of the whole message

// which should later be transmitted.


class AX25UIMessage


    // We are sending a UI message, with no P/F request-for-response

    static const uint8_t AX25_CHAR_CONTROL = 0x03;


    // No Layer 3 protocol

    static const uint8_t AX25_CHAR_PID = 0xF0;


    static const uint16_t CRC16_INITIAL_VALUE    = 0xFFFF;

    static const uint16_t CRC16_CCITT_POLYNOMIAL = 0x8408;




    : buf_(NULL)

    , bufIdxNextByte_(1)

    , bufIdxControl_(0)

    , bufIdxPID_(0)


        // Nothing to do



    void Init(uint8_t *buf)





    void SetBuf(uint8_t *buf)


        buf_ = buf;





    void Reset()


        // get ready for a new message to be created

        bufIdxNextByte_ = 0;


        // These aren't correct, they will need to be calculated later.

        bufIdxControl_ = 0;

        bufIdxPID_     = 0;



    void SetDstAddress(const char *addr, uint8_t addrSSID)


        AppendAddress(addr, addrSSID);



    void SetSrcAddress(const char *addr, uint8_t addrSSID)


        AppendAddress(addr, addrSSID);



    void AddRepeaterAddress(const char *addr, uint8_t addrSSID)


        AppendAddress(addr, addrSSID);


    void AppendInfo(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t bufSize)


        memcpy((void *)&(buf_[bufIdxNextByte_]), buf, bufSize);

        bufIdxNextByte_ += bufSize;



    // Returns number of bytes used

    uint8_t Finalize()






        return bufIdxNextByte_;



    void AppendAddress(const char *addr, uint8_t addrSSID)


        // undo any stop-bit from prior address append.

        // cope with situation where this is the first.

        if (bufIdxNextByte_ != 0)


            // reverse idxNextByte by the control and pid bytes from last time.

            bufIdxNextByte_ -= 2;


            // undo the stop-bit of the prior address

            buf_[bufIdxNextByte_ - 1] &= 0b11111110;



        // encode this address

        EncodeAddress(addr, addrSSID);


        // set stop bit of this address

        buf_[bufIdxNextByte_ - 1] |= 0b00000001;


        // calculate location of control field

        // (already pointed to by bufIdxNextByte_)

        bufIdxControl_ = bufIdxNextByte_;


        // calculate location of pid field


        bufIdxPID_ = bufIdxNextByte_;


        // calculate starting location of data




    // Does not set stop bit, left for higher-level logic

    void EncodeAddress(const char *addr, uint8_t ssid)


        // This will fill the next 7 bytes of the buffer.

        // The format is <SIGN>[spaces]<SSID>

        // The callsign is left-aligned, occupying up to 6 characters.

        // Any callsign less than 6 characters is space-padded on the right.

        // The 7th byte is for the SSID.

        // The formatting of the actual data is:

        // SIGN bytes

        // - each ascii chater is shifted 1 bit to the left, allowing for the

        //   least-significant-bit to represent flag data.

        // SSID byte

        // - HRRSSIDS

        //   - H    - "has been repeated" - set to 0 as we're doing initial send

        //   - RR   - Reserved.  Set each bit to 1.

        //   - SSID - The actual binary SSID, 0-15.

        //   - S    - Stop bit.  Set to 0 here, we aren't in charge of this.


        // validate length

        uint8_t addrLen = strlen(addr);


        // Initialize to max length supported

        uint8_t useByteCount = 6;

        uint8_t padByteCount = 0;


        if (addrLen < 6)


            // will need to pad with spaces

            useByteCount = addrLen;

            padByteCount = 6 - useByteCount;



        // Use the bytes we can

        const char *p = addr;

        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < useByteCount; ++i)


            buf_[bufIdxNextByte_] = (*p << 1);






        // Pad if necessary

        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < padByteCount; ++i)


            buf_[bufIdxNextByte_] = (' ' << 1);





        // Encode SSID

        buf_[bufIdxNextByte_] =

            (uint8_t)(0b01100000 | ((uint8_t)(ssid & 0x0F) << 1));





    void SetControl(uint8_t control)


        buf_[bufIdxControl_] = control;



    void SetPID(uint8_t pid)


        buf_[bufIdxPID_] = pid;





    // Taken from:

    // http://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2449&context=theses

    // (light reformatting and removal of compiler warnings about comparing

    //  signed and unsigned values)


    // Calculate the CRC-16-CCITT of a given array of a given length

    // NOTE : Operates completely in reverse - bit order

    static uint16_t calc_crc (uint8_t frame [], uint8_t frame_len)


        uint8_t i, j;


        // Preload the CRC register with ones

        uint16_t crc = 0xffff;


        // Iterate over every octet in the frame

        for (i = 0; i < frame_len; i++)


            // Iterate over every bit, LSb first

            for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)


                uint8_t bit = (frame[i] >> j) & 0x01;


                // Divide by a bit - reversed 0x1021

                if ((crc & 0x0001) != bit)


                    crc = (crc >> 1) ^ 0x8408;




                    crc = crc >> 1;





        // Take the one's compliment of the calculated CRC

        crc = crc ^ 0xffff;


        return crc;




    void CalcFCS()


        // The CRC Function below already takes into account the special

        // requirements for transmitting the FCS, and the output of that

        // is suitable for placing in the byte stream and sending each byte

        // least-significant-bit first along with everything else.


        // Apply to Address, Control, PID, Info

        uint16_t crc = calc_crc(buf_, bufIdxNextByte_);


        // Put the bytes into our buffer

        memcpy((void *)&(buf_[bufIdxNextByte_]), (void *)&crc, sizeof(crc));


        // Move to next position

        bufIdxNextByte_ += sizeof(crc);



    uint8_t *buf_;

    uint8_t  bufIdxNextByte_;

    uint8_t  bufIdxControl_;

    uint8_t  bufIdxPID_;


#endif  // __AX_25_UI_MESSAGE_H__

Here is an example of code using this class:

void MakeAPRSMessage()


    uint8_t buf[1024];

    AX25UIMessage msg;



    msg.SetDstAddress("DST", 2);

    msg.SetSrcAddress("SRC", 3);

    msg.AddRepeaterAddress("WIDE1", 1);

    const char *info = "Just Some Data";

    uint8_t infoLen = strlen(info);   // 16

    msg.AppendInfo((uint8_t *)info, infoLen);


    uint8_t bytesUsed = msg.Finalize();

    // Just an example, you'll have to write Send yourself

    Send(buf, bytesUsed);
