Pico Balloons
For those who know already...
Chances are if you're visiting this page you already know about pico trackers.
In that case here is the content you'll find on this page:
Flight logs of both WSPR and APRS trackers, and various balloon configurations
Details of the trackers, and their PCB design and software
Details of off-the-shelf balloons as well as experimental custom balloons
Details of how we construct our PCBs
Details of APRS and WSPR protocols useful to those building their own implementations
Technology Progression
Our technology has improved over time, summary below or more detail here (link).
APRS trackers (limited ~150 mile range)
First attempt and novice PCB design approach
WSPR trackers (thousands of miles of range)
Improved power management
Improved PCB layout
Lighter PCBs (JLC PCB thin boards)
Custom balloons for higher float to avoid weather conditions (in-progress)
Replace batteries with Solar for lighter trackers and higher float and forever power (in-progress)
For those who don't know...
This is a hobby page about making and flying pico tracker balloons.
That means:
Pico - It's small.
Tracker - Custom-built computer which has a GPS and radio transmitter to relay its location over long distances.
Balloon - The thing you attach the computer to and see how far it can go.
What's the point?
To see how far we can send a balloon and keep track of it. Ideally around the world!